Find the power of touch


Peace of Mind Reiki® and Massage

~ Thank you for visiting ~


Before bringing focus to the offerings on this site it feels important to take a moment to consider all that is happening in the world.  The immense difficulties can not be solved by one, or even a few of us.  However, there is strength and hope and witnessing if we educate ourselves, donate time, funds, vote for skilled ethical people, and use our voice and actions to influence change.  We can do the personal work to find true compassion and open ourselves to see and listen to the difficulties of others.
And, I truly believe that taking moments to find stillness and breathe into our heart’s power, that healing is possible in all directions.
The desire in these offerings is to create and hold containers for us to come together and nourish, recharge, and ignite our light to be-act-do from a place of compassion, strength and attention.  Nourishing ourselves, expanding the joy and awe of our life opens opportunity to be inspired and focused for the many demands and needs of our lives, in our communities and so very much – for this precious world.


Upcoming Adventures in Spirit offerings:

Restorative Yoga & Reiki   (June 19th) ~ This is a profound combination of complimentary modalities (Yoga & Reiki) and women (Leslie & Katie) that support relaxation and nourishment to your whole being.  This ignites the body’s innate abilities and energizes healing on all levels.  The attention and honor these two passionate women bring to the practice are vitamins for your body and soul -opening the gates to your body’s highest potential.

Squam Kayaking Tour (August 14th)  ~ Join Leslie & Katie for 4 hours of adventure with spirit on Squam Lake in NH.   More info & registration is here at Dragonfly Yoga Barn website

Come explore your inner landscape while taking in the beauty and awe of Squam, nature & each other. 
We will meet at Metcalf landing in Sandwich at 10:30 and head off to explore and play at some of Katie & Leslie’s favorite spots. 
We’ll dip into the preciousness of our own ponderings and reflections.  We’ll explore the mysteries of animal medicine, play with words and body, journal and meditate, laugh with the loons and play in the water.
What’s needed:
Your own boat, paddle, life jacket & supplies
Lunch/snacks/hydration to support your needs
Sunscreen/bug dope (both should be environmental friendly)
A plastic bag with t.p. 
Journal & pen
Your precious curiosity & self. 
We will need you to sign a waiver & release, as well as share with us your paddling & swimming experience.
These forms, more information & registration can be found on the Dragonfly site.

Upcoming Retreat: Squam Reiki Retreat ~ September 6-8, 2024


(Contact Leslie if you are interested in 2025 Manifest on Maui)

‘Manifest on Maui Retreat’

SOLD OUT             March 4th – 11th, 2024


Exploring, Connecting & Manifesting on the powerful and magical island of Maui.
~ Yoga ~ Reiki ~ Meditation ~ Sound Vibration ~ Journaling ~ Adventure ~ Culture ~ Whales ~ Beaches ~ Bliss ~
‘Manifest on Maui’ will support our lives to be more fully in step with our true nature, our expanding possibilities and enrich how we walk our walk. This retreat embraces the power in experiencing, with deep gratitude and value, the wonders of Maui, its culture, people and beauty.
Adding to the powerful opportunities of personal and group experiences through yoga, Reiki, meditation, sound vibration and adventures, is the awareness that our time on Maui will support needed commerce and caring engagement with the people and communities of this precious land. This retreat also aims to bring unique opportunities to gain understanding and respect for Maui from a cultural, spiritual and historic landscape.

A special message about Maui 

~ Malama Maui ~

Many are aware of the recent destructive fires on parts of the island of Maui; in the areas of Kula, Olinda, and the devastation of Lahaina town and neighborhoods on the Westside around Lahaina.  Lahaina is the historic seat of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  It is a site of significant spiritual and ceremonial importance to the Hawaiian people.  The loss of these neighborhoods is significant.  The immediate mobilizing of support and help (kōkua) that came from all reaches of the island and surrounding islands, and then from around the world, is an example of the integrity within all of us to know our kuleana (responsibility) to be of service and aid.

‘Peace of Mind Reiki & Massage’ is listening and connecting with community and mobilizers on Maui.  There is a delicate balance between supporting an island which now faces profound economic hardship, and giving space and resources to those who are grieving and rebuilding their lives. Although the physical areas where these fires were are contained to certain areas, the whole island and the Hawaiian Kingdom is deeply affected.  Being aware, respectful and supportive to this is one way visitors can walk in a balanced, respectful (pono) way during their time on Maui.

It is important that tourism continue to support the economy and wellbeing of Maui’s businesses with respectful and generous visitors. The businesses and residents of Maui need the tourism to sustain livelihood as well as to expand hope and healing.  The businesses of Maui ~ the hands and hearts of Maui ~ that mobilized from their stocks and supplies, are now at risk. Without tourism to replenish and finance these efforts, as well as keep their businesses alive, the long term effects could be even more devastating.

There are numerous avenues to offer support: reliable sites to donate, buying on line from local businesses that ship their products, AND… GO to Maui.  Respectfully staying away from the areas healing and in the varying stages of restoration.

Peace of Mind Reiki & Massage (Leslie Jose) and Katie O’Connell (Dragonfly Yoga Barn) raised $2,000 through the contributions from events & our local community for families who lost their homes and belongings in the Lahaina fires.  I have personally also donated to:

Maui Humane Society

Maui Strong

Maui Rapid Response

Pacific Whale Foundation

Kipuka Olowalu

Attention from all of us could support protecting and preserving the land, the native species, restore water rights to the people of Maui, and prevent corporate development as Lahaina is rebuilt. 

May the power of our hearts and the strength in the actions we can take support the highest good for the people and ‘āina of Maui. 

Individuals and societies coming together to recognize and nurture the needs of all peoples is paramount to shifting the existing imbalances in our global community.  

This starts with each of us taking care of ourselves and then acting from a place of strength and compassion for the betterment of all.

The thoughts and intentions shared above, reflect to me the responsibility (kukeana) in creating a retreat that not only offers a quality program for its participants, but also, one that hightens awareness, honors and educates, and gives back to this island and its people.

Imua Aloha ~ move forward with strength & love

Manifest on Maui Retreat is held on the lush North Shore of Maui, far from where the fires were; and, in March, when the ‘āina (land) has been refreshed by the previous months of morning rains.  This is beautiful time to be on the island.

With deep ALOHA and a powerful, tender awareness of what’s been experienced and what many on the island are facing…..  I invite you to join me for a life-changing and life-giving privilege.


 Go to Manifest on Maui page